Quality Enhancement Cell
University of Karachi
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University of Karachi
Higher Education Commission
Welcome to Quality Enhancement Cell (QEC)
Realizing the challenges to be faced in the field of higher education during 21st century, impact of globalization and the need for knowledge based economy the University of Karachi has established the Quality Enhancement Cell in 2006. The objective is to support the university in its endeavors to improve the standard of education and research and make it compatible with international requirements. The QEC believes that the issue of quality enhancement cannot be separate from the quest of excellence.
Quality Assurance (QA) is “the means by which an institution can guarantee with confidence and certainty, that the standards and quality of its educational provision are being maintained and enhanced.” (Higher Education Funding Council, UK.)
For the quality assurance process, the QEC acts as a focal point to hold the quality of higher education and research. It works with Quality Assurance Agency of Higher Education Commission (QAA/HEC) in the process of capacity building of academia, awareness campaigns, training of teachers for preparing Self Assessment Reports (SARs) of the various teaching programmes in their respective departments. In this regards through a system of surveys and feedback the QEC attempts to protect the interest of students, teachers, employers, and other stakeholders in the field of higher education.
The QEC is responsible to promote higher standards of education and research in the university and is required to promote public confidence in the quality and standard of the degrees awarded by the university. For this purpose the QEC develops the Quality Assurance Process and Evaluation Methods including Self Assessment Programme.
System of Quality Education
The system of quality enhancement is composed of the following factors :
1. Development of the criteria and standards for an academic program.
2. Carrying out assessment surveys to see how these criteria and standards are being met.
3. Writing of the Self-Assessment Reports (SARs) on the basis of 1 & 2.
4. Review of the SARs by a panel of experts from within the university or from other universities as
deemed fit by the vice chancellor.
5. Submission of the assessment report by the experts and its presentation to the HOD and university
6. Implementation plan for the actions to be taken by the university.
Criteria and Standards
The self-assessment is based on several criteria. To meet each criterion a number of standards must be satisfied. List of criteria and its standards as follows:
Criteria Criteria Name Standards under Criteria
1 Program Mission, Objectives and Outcomes (4 standards)
2 Curriculum Design and Organization (7 standards)
3 Laboratories and Computing Facilities (3 standards)
4 Student Support and Advising (3 standards)
5 Process Control (5 standards)
6 Faculty (3 standards)
7 Institutional Facilities (3 standards)
8 Institutional Support (3 standards)



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